Monday, September 29, 2014

Energy Recovery Project Wins Award


The City of Nanaimo has received a Corporate Operations award for the energy recovery system constructed as part of its Reservoir Number One storage project.   The storage facility is required to protect drinking water quality as its new filtration plant comes online in 2015.  As part of the building that controls flow into the reservoir, the City worked with BC Hydro to construct an energy recovery system.  The energy recovery system handles about 30 per cent of the City's water supply and provides enough electricity for sale to the BC Hydro grid to power about 70 homes.  The system was commissioned in April 2014 and since then has generated over 325,000 kW of energy and almost $30,000 in revenue for the City.

The City replaced normal control valves with turbines to capture the energy created by the gravity fed water supply. In combination with BC Hydro the City developed the energy recovery system and the Energy Purchase Agreement.

In addtion to cutting green house gasses the system is expected to produce $70,000 - $90,000 of additional revenue for the City's water fund each year.


1 comment:

  1. That is $30,000 gross.. what is the NET? I would really like to see a cost benefit analysis on this when you take in the 'actual' costs, including water dumping and repairs, maintenance, and the capital investment. Will BC hydro pay out that $70,000 or is that an inflated estimate from 5 yrs ago?


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