Sunday, April 01, 2012

Port Authority To Stock Pool

Pool To Be Stocked With Rainbow Trout

In an effort to increase traffic at the Nanaimo Cruise Ship Terminal and perhaps add another source of revenue for the under-utilized facility, management has decided to stock the reflecting pool beside the terminal.

The pool will be stocked with a variety of rainbow, cut throat and brown trout, all of which will be of legal catch size. The authority will charge lucky anglers at the rate of ten cents per centimeter of the fish caught. For example a 20 centimetre fish would cost $2.00.

Proceeds from the project will be used to fund further advertising campaigns aimed at attracting more cruise ships to the terminal.

For more information you may call 250-123-4567. You should however be sure to call today as this is a limited time offer being available only on April 1, 2012.



  1. Great April Fool's joke, Jim!!

    - Janet

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In an effort to increase traffic at the Nanaimo Cruise Ship Terminal and perhaps add another source of revenue for the under-utilized facility,


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