Thursday, October 11, 2012

Consistent Thinking Regards Transportation?

Greyhound Wants To Reduce Service

The local Daily is reporting an application from Greyhound to cut service on the Island between Nanaimo and Victoria. They want to reduce their daily runs from four to three.

Neither the Mayor nor the NEDC are reported as thinking this will have any negative impacts on Nanaimo.

This seems to be a position opposed to supporting the moving of heaven and earth to get the E&N train running again (despite no supporting business plan) if one of the intents is to reduce the need for highway traffic to move people and freight on the Island.

I would think anything that moves us away from the idea of being able to use something other than our gas-guzzling, planet destroying, GHG producing cars would be something strongly resisted by the community. Instead the reduced service levels seem to get nothing more than a shrug and a 'so what', response.


1 comment:

  1. We shrug our shoulders because NOTHING can be done to prevent our leaders from ruining the city. We can only hope that when they have wrung the life out of Nanaimo, they will move on somewhere else. They'll probably have to fly, because by then the ferries will be belly up.

    For example, what is the point of attending yet another meeting about our "vision" for Nanaimo, when our most valuable asset - the harbour - is being flogged off for a string of beads to an American corporation intending to kick out the fishing boats, and turn it into a cement generic parking lot for large playboats? Plus jack up the moorage fees for we locals so they can make a profit that Dumas should have arranged. At least then the profit would go back to the taxpayers -who paid for the harbour in the first place! Instead it goes into the bulging pockets of the 200th (Forbes list) richest man in the U.S..

    We have fought this. Numerous petitions have been circulated, politicians from the Mayor up have been begged not to allow it. Polls show that up to 88% of residents opposed this devitalization. Nobody listens.

    Why are more of our tax dollars being wasted on these useless forums? Is this supposed to make us believe we have a voice, a democracy?

    Nanaimo's voting apathy is based on experience, I'm beginning to understand. Why waste the Island's most unfairly expensive gas on filling out a meaningless piece of paper?


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