Thursday, March 20, 2014

Councillor Anderson Wants To Spend More

Councillor George Anderson Wants To Increase Spending

You have to give Anderson kudos for his savvy in getting ink in the local press as the above screen grab from today's Daily clearly indicates.

If you are a headline-only reader you might think Councillor Anderson had been actively involved with the previous 'phases' of the process when in fact he was MIA about 90% of the time. I presume his other commitments are more important than dealing with nearly one billion tax dollars.

Councillor Anderson Wants To 'ADD' $550,000 to five year budget

The Daily article reports that Anderson wants to introduce a motion to spend $150,000 on some design and construction work on the E&N Trail.

Either the reporter didn't understand Anderson's motion, or Anderson didn't explain the motion but it calls for spending $50,000 for design work and another $100,000 per year (with no end date) to continue building the trail. If passed this would add $550,000 to the current five year financial plan.

Councillor George Anderson - always in Tax & Spend mode?

After missing most of the financial planning sessions which have been conducted by city staff since last October, Councillor Anderson thinks it prudent to make sure the taxpayer is on the hook for another $550,000 over the five year period, while some other councilors are trying to reduce spending.

When deciding to spend another $34,000 on the old theatre on Victoria Road, Councilor Anderson made the comment in open council that he did not think $34,000 was a lot of money. I wonder if $550,000 is now considered a lot of money?


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