Sunday, June 22, 2014

Why Is Communications Mgr Answering?

Why Didn't City Manager or Finance Director Take Question?

At the Jun 16 Committee of the Whole meeting the Municipal Annual Report for 2013 had been on the agenda after the draft version being made public one week ago. It had been removed before the meeting and Councillor Bestwick asked for a reason as to why.

You would expect either the Finance Director or City Manager to provide the answer, both of whom were present. However, that was not the case, as Mr. Cooper, the communication manager was front and centre and offered the following explanation:

"There was a number of deadlines that had to be recognized and we didn't recognize those deadlines, so it needs to appear next week rather than this week".

Councillor Bestwick did not ask for a clarification, so clearly he has a better grasp of bafflegab than I do. What deadlines weren't recognized when the draft version had been available a week previous?

I repeat why was this question fielded by the communications manager rather than finance director or city manager.



1 comment:

  1. I really HATE these political safe keeping mumbo jumbo speak that is the Communications Manager no less.

    "There was a number of deadlines that had to be recognized and we didn't recognize those deadlines, so it needs to appear next week rather than this week".

    Just say "we missed the deadline", rather than use positive spin words like "recognize". Or is he saying that they "didn't recognize" the June 16 deadline as in, they completely missed the fact that there was a deadline of June 16? Which would be worse? They don't know, so make it ambiguous.

    Way to go Communications Manager for providing no clarity to your communications.


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