Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sober Second Thought Not Flip-Flop

'Blue Community' Declaration
May Not Be So Simple

To some onlookers it might have seemed city council was simply flip-flopping on the matter of declaring Nanaimo as a Blue Community. While to some it seems like the city endorsing the removal of bottled water at city facilities in favour of using municipal tap water and declaring water as a human right and that water should be owned by the public is a relatively simple matter, some on council don't think we should rush into such a decision lightly.

Councillor Bill McKay says:
"While I consider declaring Nanaimo a Blue Community to be a very noble gesture, I don’t believe it is a simple as it looks, and I want to be sure that Council is fully informed of the possible implications of such a declaration. For example, few in Nanaimo are aware that we don’t own our watershed at Jump Lake. By committing to Blue Community status, will we bind ourselves to purchasing the watershed? I am pleased we are going to take a second look at this initiative and not make such a decision without being thoroughly and fully informed."

Editor's Comment: I wonder if our tap water is filtered to the same degree of purity as that which is bottled? Remember VIHA says our water is currently not safe which is why we are being compelled to build a $72,000,000.00 filtration plant.


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