Thursday, August 16, 2012

Young People Leaving BC

Jobs and Housing Costs Likely Reasons

An article in the Province today points out that young people are leaving BC for other provinces at the fastest rate seen in years. A lack of jobs and the high cost of housing are two main reasons driving the exodus.

BC Stats show that from January until March of this year, 2.554 people left BC for other provinces which continues a trend started in 2011 when BC saw 1.920 people move out of the province. A economist with the Central Credit Union commented that this negative migration seems to be accelerating.

Our neighbours to the east are enjoying a rapid increase in job growth, this has resulted in an inter-provincial migration increase of nearly 14,000 while BC posted a loss of 2554.

I have not been able to find any reliable source to determine whether Nanaimo is now losing population as a result of sluggish job growth but anecdotally just about everyone I talk to, knows someone who has packed up and moved to points east where job prospects are brighter.


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