Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Things On The Net That Make Ya' Wonder

Daily Homeless Shuttle

The above screengrab comes from a recent front page story in the local daily which reports an incident in Ladysmith when some unfortunate soul died due to exposure last winter in Ladysmith.

Since Ladysmith either does not have enough homeless to open their own cold weather shelter or lack the resources to open one, a solution has been proposed to operate a daily shuttle from Ladysmith to Nanaimo to take advantage of a shelter here in Nanaimo.

I am not a heartless, penny pincher and believe we all need to do what we can to help the less fortunate in our society but this particular article does have me scratching my head.

Why? These folk in Ladysmith that are in need of help are in fact homeless. So why would someone need to run a daily shuttle from Ladysmith to Nanaimo during cold weather? Wouldn't it just make more sense for the Ladysmith homeless to move to Nanaimo where the shelters are during the cold weather and then return to Ladysmith when the weather improves?

More to the point, why is it that the vast majority of people who rely on social assistance to keep body and soul together are able to keep a roof over their heads from their housing allowance?


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