Saturday, December 18, 2010

Microbrewery Market Sees Big Changes Coming

Nanaimo Beer Business Growing In 2011
Nanaimo has long since demonstrated a fondness for ale as witnessed by the number of establishments and sellers of spirits which seem to always do quite well in spite of the general economy. The only 'hitch' in the business came this year with more serious drinking and driving laws coming into effect. They resulted in fewer people imbibing in local establishments and has seen the rise of pub owned vans offering safe rides home in attempts to keep their clientele.
New owners of the Fat Cat Brewery have plans to re brand their product and perhaps add a few more products. While Longwood Brewery will be tearing down the old Buckerfields downtown to make way for a new brewing facility as they have reached maximum capacity in their current Longwood location.
The pub style restaurant planned for the old train station will be boasting 32 taps which will be the most on the island. Regardless of what else changes in Nanaimo it seems we will always have a core identity and that would be our 'bars', the kind you spend some time in, and of course the famous one, everyone eats at this time of year.


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