Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Nanaimo Assistant Deputy Manager Position Not Eliminated After All

$200,000 Year Position Reinstated

Remember when the city council gave Mr. Berry $500,000 to not come to work for the next two years? They claimed in the long run it would save city taxpayers money because when Mr. Kenning was promoted to fill Berry's spot, Mr. Kenning's old position was not going to be filled.

Now it seems, that was just a bit of a smoke and mirrors move designed to take some of the heat off the overly generous payment to Mr. Berry. Now that the public seems to have gone back to sleep, they have resurrected the position of Assistant City Manager, once again showing just how apathetic the general public is on these matters.

The story in the Daily says they have been down four managers who are not being replaced, so it really won't cost the taxpayer any more money. If you believe that, there is a parcel of swampland in Florida with your name on it.

Since, clearly the local economy has slowed down considerably, with 44% fewer new business licenses issued, and housing and construction no where near the fever pitch of a few years ago, it is a wonder to me they are only down four managers.

These guys just keep on demonstrating their arrogance and pure contempt for the average taxpayer in Nanaimo. It could be they are right.


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