Thursday, April 07, 2011

Another Blow To Nanaimo Transportation

Greyhound Buses Not On Ferries Anymore

As of April 4 Greyhound no longer provides 'first on - first off' service between Nanaimo and Vancouver or Vancouver Nanaimo via BC Ferries. The service has been steadily reduced over the past two years going from 6 bus/ferry sailings per day, down to 2 per day and now finally none per day.
The only service Greyhound will provide is pick up and drop off from the ferry terminals at designated locations at either Departure Bay or Horseshoe Bay.
The bus company had tried to get a reduced fare with BC Ferry as they claim maintaining the service at current rates is costing them nearly $1.5 million per year. BC Ferries said they are in the marine transport business and not the bus business, and that the bus takes up deck space and needs to compensate the Ferry Corporation for that space.
This means that anyone traveling between Vancouver and Nanaimo will no longer be able to load their luggage on one side and off load at the bus depot on the other. Instead they will have to put their luggage on the bus, offload at the ferry terminal and get it back onto the ferry, then off the ferry and onto another bus at their destination ferry terminal.
Comment: It seems that getting around without a car, is not made any easier by this recent move. I presume increasing the fares to passengers was out of the question? Another great reason to just stay in Nanaimo.


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