Monday, April 15, 2013

Out of Control Civic Wages? Not Just Nanaimo!

Canada's New Upper Class
Firefighters, Police and Teachers

The above article in today's Maclean's points to a fact that is not specific to Nanaimo but is an issue from coast to coast in Canada. The issue is the rise of the new upper class in Canada who have seen their wages increase much faster than the rate of inflation, and arguably faster than society can afford.

In Nanaimo
Wages & Benefits Increase Three Times 
Faster Than Consumer Price Index

CUPE wages at the city increased a whopping 16.5% between 2007 - 2012. While in 2007 - 2009 the IAFF (firefighters) saw their pay increase by 14% and they are currently refusing another 5.5% on top of that.

Why is this happening? There are no real motives to hold the line on these wages as all that is required to pay them, is to increase YOUR taxes which is much easier than entering into realistic negotiations with the unions representing the new elite in Canada.

Since 2008, when most Canadians had to seriously rein in their spending, and many were happy just to keep their jobs, this insulated group of taxpayer funded employees have been scoring wage increases that if not simply greedy, are overly generous. Simply because no one is really looking out for the taxpayers interest in this whole bit of theatre.

It appears that the public trough is the last place that the large unions can shove their nose in and manage over the top wage increases, which of course helps fuel their burgeoning union coffers as well. They have pretty much lost their clout in the business marketplace where companies actually have to compete to survive. They still have a source of ready funds with various levels of government, where they can hold the sleeping public ransom at their whim.

Nanaimo Firefighters Idle 50% Of The Time

The recent business model being considered which takes a fresh look at how to get a better bang for the taxpayer dollar when it comes to fire protection, revealed that on any given day, firefighters have nothing to do 50% of their shift. They have done their training, made their beds, polished their kit, washed the big red truck, and still are idle 50% of the time.

They are first responders on medical emergencies, most times BC Ambulance sends them back to the fire station as they were not needed anyway. But for each emergency, many times one of those shiny red trucks, complete with 4 firefighters rolls out. You could argue that this practice is as much about convincing the public they are doing something, as opposed to really doing something.

It was also interesting to note that less than 2% of the time those big shiny trucks with 4 men or women on them roll down the street with lights flashing and sirens blaring they are actually going to a structure fire.

The rest of the time they may be attending fender benders or responding to 'medical emergencies' where their services are not required at all.

Expect Councilors Brennan and Greves to resist any effort to bring tax savings to the fire department as their bread is well buttered by either CUPE or IAFF. Both unions contributing large amounts of money to these councilors campaign funds.

Why firefighters should be entitled to the same rate of pay a firefighter in Vancouver gets, is a blatant example of what is wrong with this whole system. The IAFF in Nanaimo, has likely scored some pretty sweet terms, and when you consider that city council is the body who are supposed to be looking out for YOUR tax dollar, it is little wonder we are in the mess we are currently in.

Remember Councillor Greves stated that the city is not collecting enough money now, so you know his opinion on the subject of holding the line on taxes. Councillor Brennan says there is no taxpayer fatique in Nanaimo also, and feels residents don't mind their taxes going up.

As for the rest of council, I presume they don't think much about taxes at all, given they have had the $851,000,000 financial plan since last December and have not come up with ONE way of reducing taxes. In fact they have spent more time taking about a $100,000 toilet than a budget approaching one billion tax dollars.

When is the next election? Can we really afford this council to deal with one more budget? Is it time to start a recall petition and get rid of this Mayor and council before they blow off any more of YOUR tax dollars?


1 comment:

  1. Yep it makes me sick that basic educated flatfoots with overtime are all aabout 90-100 grand a year. Most prof university trained jobs do not get that wage. The biggest chunk of city budgets are for police. A cop should make 55 grand max and be paid as a salaried employee without overtime, time and a half and all the other stuff they get for doing basically a pretty unskilled job. Our society is completely out of whack. Dont even get me started on those BC Teachers Union threatening to strike about 3 times more than the post office


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