Thursday, November 17, 2011

Affordable Housing In Victoria 'Issues'

Victoria Housing Unit Had Difficult First Year

There is an article in today's Time Colonist spotlighting some of the problems Victoria has experienced providing affordable housing for the homeless.

The article states the Traveller's Inn motel which had been purchased to provide affordable housing has increasingly been the source of police attention and frustration for neighbouring businesses, which complain of drug-dealing and illegal activity.

Lessons For Nanaimo

Low barrier housing has become a very divisive issue in Nanaimo this year and has become the only hot button issue during our current election. It has pitted north against south in many ways and resulted in a lot of 'NIMBY' name calling on the part of citizens and many on city council.

Those in favour of the current low barrier housing planned for Uplands Drive keep telling everyone how successful these projects are in other places and keep assuring residents their concerns are completely unfounded. Then along comes a report that all was not well with Warmlands last year which saw a high number of police calls, and now this article coming out of Victoria.

A lot of these ideas look good on paper, and sound good when being pitched by politicians but being able to actually trust those in authority to deliver what they promise is one thing most citizens can be justifiably skeptical about.



  1. this website is trash!

  2. Your comment is a perfect example of the close mindedness, and polarization this most contentious issue creates.


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