Friday, January 11, 2013

Best Practices For Civic Meetings

With regards to closed meetings (aka in-camera) the office of the Ombudsperson has this to say about best practices with respect to a Closed Meeting.

Following the conclusion of a closed meeting, careful consideration should be given to the release of minutes and other records that may have been generated during the closed meeting. As much information as possible should be released in order to achieve the goal of openness, transparency and accountability without compromising the interests of the local government, the public or a third party.

Many subjects requiring the confidentiality of a closed meeting only require it for a limited period of time. Consequently, it is important that local governments have a process in place to regularly review the information produced at closed meetings. Information that would no longer undermine the reason for discussing it in a closed meeting should be released as soon as practicable.

If it is not appropriate to release all information related to a closed meeting, it may be preferable to release incomplete information rather than to wait for a time when it will eventually be proper to release all the information. Local governments should strive to release as much information as possible as often as possible, in order to demonstrate their commitment to the principles of transparency and accountability and to receive the benefit of a more informed, engaged and trusting public.


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