Monday, September 09, 2013

Canadians Sixth Happiest People On Earth

 How Come ONLY Sixth?

According to a recent UN report Canadians are ranked as the sixth happiest people on the face of the planet. Coming in at sixth place behind top-ranked Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Sweden.

The study was introduced with a 2010 UN resolution asking countries to track their "gross national happiness".

You can read more about this study and the report in this National Post article. There is little detail as to how the 'happiness' of a people is measured and like many of these surveys and polls the results need to be questioned. That said, I'm not surprised we rank near the top of the heap considering how well off we are as a nation and the standard of living we continue to enjoy. Whether those standards are sustainable is a question for another day.

I would like to know what sets the top five above the other 100 or so nations included in the study. If it can be attributed to wealth, is there also a connection to how nations have managed their wealth and they type of leadership they enjoy as a nation? There could be some interesting conclusions if there were a way to start to drill down.


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