Saturday, November 08, 2008


BY 54% FROM 2001 - 2012

The above graph is based on actual tax increases and projected tax increases through to the year 2012.

The source of the data is the City of Nanaimo website. If you wish to see the financial plan use this Nanaimo Info LINK .

In the simplest terms if you paid $100 in taxes in the year 2000, you will be paying $154 in taxes by the year 2012.

This is a good time to ask your Council and Mayor Candidates if they feel these increases are acceptable and if they are unavoidable.

In addition to the tax increase there is also a 5% increase in water user rates in 2008 and there is a scheduled increase of 5% every year hereafter. This is intended to build a reserve to build a new dam and increase water available for future growth.


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