Monday, June 06, 2016

Trusses Opening Reception - Wednesday June 8/16

Trusses - Opening Reception

7pm, Nanaimo Art Gallery
Shannon Bool | Lloyd House | Rebecca Loewen | Alex Morrison | Gailan Ngan | Wayne Ngan | Patkau Architects | Aaron Peck

Trusses is an exhibition of works by contemporary artists and architects that explores how buildings resonate through their uses and their intersections with other forms of culture. Bridging aesthetic and experiential languages, architecture is set in dialogue with painting, sculpture, pottery, writing, photography and film.

Presented alongside the 2016 RAIC Festival of Architecture in Nanaimo, Trusses reflects Nanaimo’s position as an architectural and cultural intersection between Vancouver’s modern and postmodern structures, and the back to the land builder culture prominent on neighbouring gulf Islands..


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