Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Participate In The Process of Democracy

Don’t Handle It Lightly

The dictionary definition:

1.     a: government by the people; especially: rule of the majority
2.     b. a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

It is most disturbing to see how loosely we handle democracy, given the sacrifices being made globally to embrace it, with its promise of being freed from the rule of dictators. One of its greatest strengths and at the same time greatest weaknesses is that it is a government BY the people ruling by majority. It will however only fully function when the PEOPLE fully participate in the process, and when they do not it degrades into a counterfeit of itself where the unelected take rule by deception.

In Nanaimo for example, we are being governed by a city council upon which sit members who only have about 15% of the total eligible vote. In other words 85% of the total population did not offer them their support. They in turn, are basically directed by the city staff, none of whom are elected but are the ones who actually craft the direction this city will take over the next decades.
Arguably we are paying the price for our lack of involvement in the city in the form of ever increasing taxes to fund such things as a new $16 million office for city staff at a time when water, sewer and roads are being underfunded.

People living in a democracy get the government they deserve, but the good news is, that in a democracy that can be most positive when the general electorate takes the time to get informed, get involved and actively participate in the process.

If you doubt the fact that an active democracy can work, simply take a look at all the 'squeaky' wheels that get politicians attention all the time.


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